Prof. Dr. Marc Ebner
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
Institut für Mathematik und Informatik
Walther-Rathenau-Straße 47
17489 Greifswald
Office: 4.21
Tel.: +49(3834)420-4646
Fax: +49(3834)420-4640
E-mail: marc.ebner [at]
Consultation Hours:
You can always contact me via E-mail for an appointment or talk to me after class. Consultation hours: Tuesday 13:00-14:00.
Research Lectures
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Algorithms and Programming
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Computer Vision
- Natural Language Processing
- Robotics
- Microcontroller Programming
- Praktikum Softwaretechnik
- Computer Graphics I
- Computer Graphics II
- Virtual Reality
- Graphical User Interfaces with Objective-C
- Best Paper Award Candidate: Oguzhan Ulucan, Diclehan Ulucan and Marc Ebner. A computational model for color assimilation illusions and color constancy, ACCV 2024.
- Candidate Best Student Paper: Diclehan Ulucan, Oguzhan Ulucan and Marc Ebner. Multi-Scale Surface Normal Estimation from Depth Maps, IMPROVE 2023.
- Candidate Best Student Paper: Diclehan Ulucan, Oguzhan Ulucan and Marc Ebner. Intrinsic Image Decomposition: Challenges and New Perspectives, IMPROVE 2023.
- Best Paper Award: Daniel Lehmann and Marc Ebner. Calculating the Credibility of Test Samples at Inference by a Layer- wise Activation Cluster Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks, DeLTA 2022.
- Mohammad Alipourvarmazabadi. Visual Navigation for Unmanned Mobile Robots.
- Aya Nuseir. Visual Question Answering System.
- Diclehan Ulucan. DAAD Preisträgerin 2023. Intrinsic Image Decomposition.
- Oguzhan Ulucan. Color Illusion Perception.
- Baozhu Jia. Architectures for a general game playing agent.
- Learning Computer Vision (Background in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing)
- Visual Navigation (Background in Robotics, Computer Vision, Neural Networks).
- Story Generation (Background in Natural Language Processing/Generation)
Short Biography:
Prof. Ebner received the M.S. degree in computer science from New York University, NY, in 1994, the degree Dipl.-Inform. from the Universität Stuttgart, Germany, in 1996 and the degree Dr. rer. nat. from the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany, in 1999. He received the venia legendi in 2006 from the Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Germany. He is a recipient of a Heisenberg Scholarship from the German Research Foundation (DFG). In October 2011, he became full professor of computer science. He is author of over 60 peer-reviewed publications and is a frequent speaker at international conferences; particularly on areas such as machine intelligence, computer vision, biologically inspired systems and genetic programming. Dr. Ebner is author of the first textbook on color constancy, i.e. algorithms for automatic white balance which try to mimic human color perception.